home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //////
- //*************************GLOBAL VARS********************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objJumpMenu;
- //form objects
- var GlistOptions;
- var GtfLabel;
- var GtfURL;
- var GtfName;
- var GselTarget;
- var GcbRestore
- var GcbGo;
- var GarrMenuOptions; //global array storing menu option text and URLs
- //function: initGlobals
- //description: initialize global variables
- function initGlobals(){
- var theForm = document.forms[0];
- GlistOptions = theForm.MenuOptions;
- GtfURL = theForm.fileURL;
- GtfLabel = theForm.Label;
- GtfName = theForm.Name;
- GselTarget = theForm.Target;
- GcbRestore = theForm.Restore;
- GcbGo = theForm.Go;
- GarrMenuOptions = new Array();
- GarrMenuOptions[0] = new Array();
- GarrMenuOptions[0][0] = getUniqueLabel();
- GarrMenuOptions[0][1] = "";
- }
- //***************************API FUNCTIONS*****************************
- function isDOMRequired() {
- // Return false, indicating that this object is available in code view.
- return false;
- }
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "okClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "cancelClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- //***************************LOCAL FUNCTIONS*****************************
- //function: okClicked
- //description: creates the jump menu that is inserted into the document
- function okClicked(){
- var target = escQuotes(GselTarget.options[GselTarget.selectedIndex].value);
- var bRestore = (GcbRestore.checked)?1:0;
- var bInsideForm = IPIsInsideOfForm();
- var nOptions = GarrMenuOptions.length,i,attrPos;
- var optionStr="",formObjArr,uniqueFormName;
- //create opening of select tag
- var menuStr = '<SELECT name="' + GtfName.value + '" ' +
- 'onChange="MM_jumpMenu(\'' + target + '\',this,' + bRestore + ')">\n';
- //create inner options string, i.e.:<option value="foo">label</option>
- for (i=0;i<nOptions;i++){
- if (GarrMenuOptions[i][0] || GarrMenuOptions[i][1]){
- optionStr = (GarrMenuOptions[i][1])?'<option value="' + GarrMenuOptions[i][1] + '">':
- '<option>';
- optionStr += GarrMenuOptions[i][0] + '</option>\n';
- menuStr += optionStr;
- }
- }
- menuStr += '</select>';
- //if the "Insert a Go Button" is checked, then add a Go button
- if (GcbGo.checked){
- menuStr += createGoBtnStr(target,bRestore);
- }
- //add a form to the document if one is not there already
- if ( !bInsideForm ){ //if there isn't a form, add one
- uniqueFormName = createUniqueName("FORM","form");
- menuStr = '<form name="' + uniqueFormName + '">' + menuStr + '\n</form>';
- }
- MM.commandReturnValue = menuStr;
- window.close();
- }
- function cancelClicked() {
- MM.commandReturnValue = "";
- window.close();
- }
- //function: createGoBtnStr
- //description: creates the text string for the go button
- function createGoBtnStr(target,bRestore){
- var btnStr="";
- //get the select menu name
- objName = GtfName.value;
- //create unique button name
- var btnName = createUniqueName("INPUT","Button");
- //piece together button string
- btnStr += '<INPUT type="button" name="' + btnName + '" value="' + BTN_Go + '" ' +
- 'onClick="MM_jumpMenuGo(\'' + objName + '\',\'' + target + '\',' + bRestore + ')">';
- return ( btnStr );
- }
- //function: initializeUI
- //description: initializes the UI, attached to body onload
- function initializeUI(){
- initGlobals();
- //initial state of dialog is that "Option Label" appears in Lable field,
- //"Option URL" appears in URL field, and the lable field selected
- populateMenuOptions(0);
- GlistOptions.selectedIndex = 0;
- GtfLabel.value = GarrMenuOptions[0][0];
- GtfURL.value = GarrMenuOptions[0][1];
- GtfLabel.focus();
- GtfLabel.select();
- //populate frame target menu
- populateFrameTargetMenu(GselTarget);
- //create a unique name for this menu
- GtfName.value = createUniqueName("SELECT","menu");
- }
- //function: popuplateFrameTargetMenu
- //description: populates the frame target menu with either:
- //"Main Window" - if there are no frames
- //"Main Window" plus named frames, if there are frames
- function populateFrameTargetMenu(selectObj){
- var counter = 0;
- var frameList;
- selectObj.options[counter] = new Option(MM.TYPE_MainWindow);
- selectObj.options[counter++].value = 'parent';
- frameList=getObjectRefs("NS 4.0","parent","frame"); //get list of frames
- if (frameList && frameList.length>0) { //if frames
- //if the frame has a name, add name to target picklist
- for (i=0; i<frameList.length; i++) {
- if (frameList[i].indexOf('unnamed')==-1){ //if the frame has a name
- frameName=extrapolateFrameName(frameList[i]);
- selectObj.options[counter] = new Option(MM.TYPE_Frame + ' "' + frameName + '"');
- selectObj.options[counter++].value = frameList[i];
- }
- }
- }
- //select the "Main Window" item
- selectObj.selectedIndex = 0;
- }
- //function: extrapolateFrameName
- //description: given a frame reference, extrapolates the frame's name
- function extrapolateFrameName(frameRef){
- return frameRef.substring(frameRef.indexOf("['")+2,frameRef.indexOf("']"));
- }
- //****************************GLOBAL FUNCTIONS***************************
- //createUniqueName
- //IPisInsideOfForm
- //isLayer